Events Calendar

2024 Lunar New Year Festival

Date: February 4, 2024 Time: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Description 2024 Lunar New Year Festival - Concludes the Creating a Historic Chinatown Alley series of free events. This is our FINAL event and last time hosting Lunar New Year otherwise known as Chinese New Year. Please join the Helen and Joe Chew Foundation as the one-year series of events to Create a Historic Chinatown Alley comes to an end, 166 years later in our Chinese American history. Witnessing the Chinese Dragon for the very first time is an extremely enjoyable and culturally a very prideful experience for all ages. The Chinese Dragon is not similar to Lion Dance but is one of the oldest and rarest traditions for the of Red Bluff’s Historic Chinatown last seen for July 4th in 1908! Date: February 4, 2024 Admission: Free for all to enjoy! RSVP: Details: The event will kick off with an ancient Chinese Dragon parade at 2 PM that will bless the City of Red Bluff with great power, good luck and strength as the descendants from the ?Chew, ?Foey, ?Chin and Chan family day farewell for the conclusion of the one-year series of events and our last Chinese New Year. The Helen and Joe Chew Foundation will have a an optional walking tour to conclude the festivities. Location: The event will begin on Hickory Street and Rio Street (formerly known as High Street). Complimentary concluding the one-year-series of events Sponsored by the Helen and Joe Chew Foundation

Event Location Historic Chinatown Alley
Date/Time Information 02/04/2023
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